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Biggest Hurdle Standing in the Way of Obamacare Reform

The people who are coming to town halls have a point. Their justifiable anxiety (some of it sparked by politicians and the news media) stands in the way of a down-payment on reforming Obamacare in short run and reforming our health care delivery system in the medium to long term. These vocal town hall participants are part of the 1 percent of the USA population that incur 23 percent of the cost of health care in the United States. Here's how we can help these people without raising insurance premiums for the other 95 percent!

2021-02-01T12:20:31+00:00May 29th, 2017|Comments Off on Biggest Hurdle Standing in the Way of Obamacare Reform

Health Insurance Drives Sky-Rocketing Health Care Costs

Recently my allergy doctor suggested a vapor treatment for my pollen-driven tightened chest. I said okay. It never occurred to me to ask how much does the treatment cost because I won't get a bill. The charge will merely be an object of curiosity when the insurance company sends me an explanation of benefits they paid. If the insurer is required to pay – no questions asked – for tests and treatments, our profit-making health care eco-system is going to prescribe more at a higher cost each. That leads directly to rising insurance premiums. If I had to pay the bill for that treatment, I would have asked more questions about the cost and efficacy.

2021-02-01T15:13:56+00:00March 25th, 2017|Comments Off on Health Insurance Drives Sky-Rocketing Health Care Costs

CBO Waves Yellow Flag at GOP Healthcare Bill

By the time I had printed out a copy of the just released Congressional Budget Office (CBO) cost estimate of the GOP proposal to "repeal and replace Obamacare" my inbox had filled up with draconian headlines. A complete reading of the 27 page report paints a more complicated picture but does urge caution as the House of Representatives moves to debate. But, if we examine the CBO's underlying assumptions, their analysis, itself, is complicated and more conjecture than fact.

2021-02-01T12:33:48+00:00March 20th, 2017|Comments Off on CBO Waves Yellow Flag at GOP Healthcare Bill

Born After 1950? Counting on Social Security OR IRA Retirement Savings? Think Again!

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects National Debt will rise to at least 110 percent of GDP by 2036. Before the United States reaches the 100 percent Debt to GDP threshold, no investor, foreign or domestic, will be willing or able to purchase our debt at any interest rate. The combination of political and social instability will swallow everything – including your savings. And yet, unlike Barack Obama, neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump have focused on the rising ratio of Debt to GDP or the risk it presents. No more credit card shopping for Congress and the American people. We can't pay the bill!

2021-02-01T12:22:00+00:00September 7th, 2016|Comments Off on Born After 1950? Counting on Social Security OR IRA Retirement Savings? Think Again!

Honor Orlando with One Small Step toward Unity of Purpose

After I turn off the lights each night, I repeat the basic prayer of my faith followed by a brief, extemporaneous chat with God. It was just after 1 AM Sunday morning when I asked God to do what he can to achieve peace on earth. At that very moment the largest mass shooting in

2021-02-01T16:18:01+00:00June 20th, 2016|Comments Off on Honor Orlando with One Small Step toward Unity of Purpose

USA Doesn’t Need More Security, It Needs Smarter Security

During my early December trip to Washington DC and New York the streets were crowded and restaurants were packed with Holiday Celebrants. San Bernardino dominated the news but none of the travelers or "locals" I met seemed overly concerned. None where concerned enough to change their plans. My random sampling of opinions found no widespread fear -- just a desire for smarter government security rather than just more government security.

2021-02-01T16:19:05+00:00December 18th, 2015|Comments Off on USA Doesn’t Need More Security, It Needs Smarter Security

A Private Sector Cure for a Terminally Ill Veterans Administration

The Veterans Administration Health Care System is terminally ill. It is afflicted, House VA Committee Chair, Jeff Miller, says with a "culture of corruption, lying and cheating". Chairman Miller believes the culture problem is so severe "no amount of legislation can fix it". The culture is a cancer on the organization –metastasized or worse. It requires immediate and radical organizational disruption – analogous to surgery and corporate chemo plus radiation! It is time to clean house at VA Health Care

2021-02-01T11:15:24+00:00September 19th, 2014|Comments Off on A Private Sector Cure for a Terminally Ill Veterans Administration

Here’s How to Solve the VA Health Care Crisis

VA Health System began as the fulfillment of a moral guarantee made to American veterans since Revolutionary War to care for them when they could not care for themselves. Fast forward a century. There is a strong social safety net - Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, Social Security Disability, Social Security Retirement, Food Stamps and Unemployment Insurance - available to all Americans. The vast majority of our veterans are citizen soldiers. Why not consider integrating rather than duplicating these programs?

2021-02-01T16:21:35+00:00September 19th, 2014|Comments Off on Here’s How to Solve the VA Health Care Crisis