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GOP House Caucus Should Fire George Santos

George Santos sitting in the House of Representatives is a national crisis. Generic “Congress” enjoyed a measly 21% approval rating in January 2023 public opinion polls -- after a 15 ballot whooping of the new Speaker of the House. Who -- in their right mind -- believes the House of Representatives, specifically the GOP House

2023-02-10T23:54:07+00:00February 9th, 2023|Comments Off on GOP House Caucus Should Fire George Santos

USA Doesn’t Need More Security, It Needs Smarter Security

During my early December trip to Washington DC and New York the streets were crowded and restaurants were packed with Holiday Celebrants. San Bernardino dominated the news but none of the travelers or "locals" I met seemed overly concerned. None where concerned enough to change their plans. My random sampling of opinions found no widespread fear -- just a desire for smarter government security rather than just more government security.

2021-02-01T16:19:05+00:00December 18th, 2015|Comments Off on USA Doesn’t Need More Security, It Needs Smarter Security